Sunday, September 13, 2009

i have a dream

This Friday, a member of our church congregation passed away after his long illness. When Mr. Kim closed his eyes his wife and son wailed so sadly. The word of death is so painful for us to accept it, especially to families and close relatives. But after the funeral worship on next Tuesday, Mrs. Kim has to overcome the pain of her husband’s death. Someday, I would also face this kind of situation and I might desperately want to overcome that pain quickly. How can we live when we lost our family member? We can still live our individual life by a dream. Mrs. Kim has to live rest of her life without Mr. Kim and his son, Jin, has to survive without his father. But from now on they have to focus on their own dreams or visions. This is one of way to overcome the pain and I think a vision is my hope to live my life. I have a big dream. Since I was 17, I wanted to become a medical missionary. For last five years, I was not sure whether I could go to medical school and walk into the mission field. But now, I have a faith and passion that I really want to be a medical missionary and reach out to poor nations. Every day I dream about my future, whether it would be fun or hard. Until I reach my goal I will keep studying and challenge myself. Because I want to develop myself as I approaches to my dream.

1 comment:

  1. Soo-mi,

    A good job! Please avoid using lower case for " I." "I" should be always capitalized in writing. Try also to pay attention to how to use comma after the introductory words, phases, and clauses.

    Dr. Liu
