Sunday, October 4, 2009

Revision of "I Love You Mother"

After our English class covered the topic of Mickey Mantle’s life, I learned that I should express my love feeling to my family. In class, we discussed that Mickey regrets the fact that he did not say how much he loved his father while his father was alive. If I do not say it then my family would never know and I could make a mistake like Mickey made. So I decided to open my heart. Since my parent moved to San Francisco, we often communicated by emails. When we stayed together, I did not notice how important they were. But now, I realized that each of their positions were so valuable to me. To express my thoughts and feelings, I wrote an email to my mother on this Tuesday. I could just call her and say that how much I love her But I could not, because I was not confidence enough. First, I explained who was Mickey Mantle and his relationship with his father. Then I told her what made me to say that I love her. After I send this email, I was happy. Next day, I received an email from her. The first sentence on her letter grabbed my attention. She said “Thank you my daughter.” When I read that sentence, it felt like she was touching my heart softly. All I did was saying “I love you and I love you so much.” But my mother gave me a double of love that I expressed to her. If I did not let her know then I would never received my mother’s love. Someday, I wish I express my heart as face to face.

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